小二:『Dad I'm going to Berkeley....Blah Blah Blah !』
某某:『Why not stan...ding...on...the...ford ?』
小二:『I wanna be like you, and experiencing those amazing honor, the phrase full scholarship makes me feel the ultimate orgasm. The ford and Ivy tails offer me partial scholarship only, I felt like being insulted. Dad, you got full offer from those tails, but they give me partial instead. It ain't matter of money but the honor showing off to my future kids, dude. Anyway, don't worry dad, I'll get the Ivy heads offering me the freaking whole nine yards when I go for PhD couple years later.』
某某:『Alrighty...whatever you like, and just let you know that I have no problem paying for all your education expenses. Don't be cheap for schools, kiddo.』
小二:『I save 60-80k or so a year by rejecting those partial offerings, and get extra 40k+ (33+7k internship/loan) as a full grant from UCB. Means : I actually get 100-120k roundtrip monetarily. It is late for me to be independent, 老大 supported himself from undergraduate already, I'll be a BIG dude too.』